An Exclusive Interview with “Nintendo Karen” – The Viral Star of the Nintendo Switch Reveal Video

The announcement video for Nintendo’s next console, the Nintendo Switch, has already been played over 18 million times on YouTube alone. Of those millions of views, it’s safe to say that at least a few thousands are focused solely on “Karen”: the (as it turns out) 29-year-old woman who can’t stay away from Mario long enough to hang out with her friends at a rooftop party. During the week and change since the video was uploaded, Karen has inspired jokes (including the one in Tumblr that gave her her name), memes, numerous articles, and even her own subreddit. And yet, not even the internet’s most obsessive weirdos have managed to locate the actress responsible for bringing Karen to life.

That is, until now.

We found Karen (not her real name, but we’ll continue using it at her request) through an extras casting agency in Vancouver, where the bulk of the video was shot. It wasn’t easy, but we’ll omit the details to protect her identity, at least as she decides whether she wants to step into the spotlight or not. After we introduced her to the weird and wonderful world of Nintendo Karen fandom, Karen herself agreed to Skype with us to talk about the Nintendo Switch, what it feels like to be a meme, and how she really feels about her mustachioed co-star.

Nintendo Duo: First of all, you’re not breaking any NDAs by talking to us, right? We don’t wanna get you in trouble with the Big N.

Karen: Nah, don’t worry about it!

ND: Good to know, we hear those Nintendo Ninjas are serious business. Okay, guess we should start at the beginning: How did you get the job?


ND: Like, did you respond to a casting call or did the agency know you from before and recommend you? Not sure how it works.


ND: Hello?


ND: Are you… are you playing Nintendo Switch right now?


ND: Goddammit, Karen.
